Infertility Diet

Diet in Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that looks like the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus, triggering excruciating in mild pain.

There has been little research into the link between diet and endometriosis. However, some people find that certain foods either aggravate or alleviate their symptoms.

According to a 2013 study, women who ate more veggies and omega-3 fatty acids had very mild symptoms of endometriosis, whereas those who ate red meat, trans fats, and coffee had more severe symptoms.

According to a 2015 literature review published in Brazil, following a healthy diet can help prevent endometriosis from developing or progressing.

The following foods were included in this diet:

• whole grains,
• fruits,
• vegetable,
• omega-3

Although endometriosis cannot be prevented, it can be reduced by avoiding foods and chemicals that boost estrogen levels, eg. Caffeine and alcohol.

Women with endometriosis may benefit from a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Plant-based proteins, lean meats, and good fats may also be beneficial. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided by those with endometriosis since they can raise estrogen levels. If a person does not eat fish, omega-3 fatty acids can be added to the diet through supplements. A person’s fiber intake should also be increased.

Healthful fats are available in many foods, including:
• avocado
• olive oil
• olives
• nuts
• salmon
• other fatty fish

Eating fresh forms of fiber can supply vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in addition to providing a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Gluten-free eating plan

Over the last few years, going gluten-free has been a popular diet and lifestyle choice.

According to a 2012 study, after following a gluten-free diet for 12 months, 75 percent of the 156 women who took part in the study reported a reduction in uncomfortable symptoms.

Diet low in FODMAPs

The FODMAP diet involves removing specific carbohydrates from one’s diet in order to limit their intake of potentially irritating foods. The goal is to let the gastrointestinal system heal on its own.

After eliminating certain meals, a person might gradually reintroduce specific foods to evaluate how the body reacts.

For some people, this type of diet might be tough because it requires them to exclude a large variety of food groups from their diet, including
• dairy
• gluten
• processed foods
• added sugars

It’s a good idea to keep track of symptoms in a food journal to observe if they improve or worsen when certain items are removed from the diet.

If you require expert assistance, Kanupriya Khanna, a Senior Consultant Nutritionist and Dietitian with over 18 years of experience in women’s health and nutrition, can be contacted. If you need dietary guidance for the same, she is one of the best dietitians in Delhi.

0 replies on “Diet in Endometriosis”

Hello doctor,I need diet plan for endometriosis cyst in right ovary,and weight lost 15 kg dur to fiber rich foods as vegetables fruits so please guide me proper diet plan to gain weight again and remove endometriosis cyst,as I have hyper thyroid also but it is normal as taking this diet of fiber rich foods.

Thank you for reaching out. You can connect directly via whatsapp with Kanupriya mam on 9318390897 and take this forward.

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