Sprouted grains are simply whole-grain seeds that have just begun to sprout. The process of turning seeds into tiny little plants is quick and easy; however, the nutritional benefits they offer are huge. Hence, it becomes extremely important to include sprouts in your child’s diet plan since they contain 10 times more nutrition than other cooked food.
1. Abundance of Vitamins and Minerals
Sprouts are a prime source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E. They are also rich in essential nutrients like folate, iron, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, etc. So feeding sprouted grains is one of the best ways to ensure your child gets the maximum vitamins and minerals even in those few spoons of food.
2. Rich in Protein
Sprouts are a good source of protein and antioxidants. So include lots of sprouts in your child’s diet plan to help them stay stronger and energized throughout the day.
3. High in Fiber
Sprouts are powerhouses of dietary fiber which regulates digestion. They improve the chemical reactions within the body and boost the metabolic processes, specifically when it comes to digestion.
4. Increases Blood Circulation
With significant amounts of iron and copper, sprouts have the ability to boost red blood cells count in the body. This aspect further helps in supplying oxygen to various organs and cells to optimize blood circulation.
5. Creates Lesser Hunger Pangs
Sprouts keep the tummy full for a longer time thus preventing cravings between meals. So when you prepare food recipes for kids with sprouts, your child is less likely to grab fast foods in-between meals.
6. Builds Immune System
With a number of antioxidant properties, sprouts do act as a powerful stimulant for the white blood cells to fight diseases and infections.
Healthy and flavoursome – sprouts can be included in your kid’s diet plan in various ways. However, if you need ideas and suggestions in preparing unique food recipes for kids, contact Kanupriya Khanna. One of the best child dieticians in Delhi, Kanupirya will make your child’s meal planning task easy for you!