Blog Paediatric nutrition

Workshop on child nutrition

Good morning everyone. I thought today I’ll tell you a little bit about my workshop tomorrow and what I will talk about. There are 2 main areas in our kids’ lives currently for maximum concern:

Good morning everyone. I thought today I’ll tell you a little bit about my workshop tomorrow and what I will talk about.

There are 2 main areas in our kids’ lives currently for maximum concern:
1. The rising air pollution and newer strains of viral infections – our kids are falling sick repeatedly
2. Competition in school – we all want our kids to perform well, not just academically but also in extra curricular activities.

My talk tomorrow will focus on how the food, we as mothers put on the table can help our children; in improving their body’s natural defense mechanism to fight infections, and; in improving their performance in school.

I will also give you suggestions of how to incorporate these nutrients in everyday foods. There will be lunch box suggestions and tips, and much more.

You all must have heard the saying:

“You Are What You Eat”. I like to differ.

I say – “You Are What Your Body Absorbs.”

So, together lets give our children all the advantages we can to help them grow up to be healthy adults. The health and progress of our nation depends on our children and ultimately on us mothers!


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