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Sugar tax

In Philadelphia, USA, sugartax was implemented in January 2017. A study was carried out recently (published April 12, Am J Prev Med) on the effects of the sugar tax on consumption of sugarydrinks.

In Philadelphia, USA, sugartax was implemented in January 2017. A study was carried out recently (published April 12, Am J Prev Med) on the effects of the sugar tax on consumption of sugarydrinks. This is what they found:

Consumption of soda was 40% lower after the first 2 months of the tax implementation. The daily consumption of energydrinks was 64% lower, and the 30-day regular soda consumption frequency was 38% lower.

Philadelphians were also 58% more likely to drink bottled water every day.

There’s enough evidence to suggest that consumption of sugary drinks not only leads to weight gain, but also higher risk of diabetesheartdisease and toothdecay.

This study strengthens the need for implementation of a similar tax in all countries. UK has taken the initiative, let’s hope the rest will follow soon.


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