Infertility Diet

Mediterranean diet helps in IVF

New research suggests that a balanced diet comprising of fresh produce, whole grains, pulses, fish and olive oil, with reduced red meat intake could improve the success rate of IVF treatments.

The study found that women who follow a “Mediterranean” diet in the six months before IVF treatment had a 65-68% greater likelihood of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a live baby than women who did not.

What is also interesting is that the study states:

“When it comes to conceiving a baby, diet and lifestyle are just as important for men as for women. Previous work from our research group among the male partners of our study has suggested that adherence to the Mediterranean diet may also help improve semen quality. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of dietary influences and diet quality on fertility, and support a favourable role for the Mediterranean diet on assisted reproduction performance.”

So, start a healthy diet and lifestyle today .…/Press-releas…/Mediterranean-diet.aspx

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