
Immunity-Boosting Foods for Kids This Monsoon

Rain not only brings respite from the scorching heat but also brings along with it some infections. Children are more susceptible to infections such as cold and flu during monsoons. Therefore it is vital to strengthen their immune system so that their body is strong enough to resist any potential disease.

Include the following superfoods in your child’s diet plan, to ensure they stay healthy during this monsoon.

Rain not only brings respite from the scorching heat but also brings along with it some infections. Children are more susceptible to infections such as cold and flu during monsoons. Therefore it is vital to strengthen their immune system so that their body is strong enough to resist any potential disease.
Include the following superfoods in your child’s diet plan, to ensure they stay healthy during this monsoon.
1. Dry Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds
Dry fruits, nuts, and seeds are immune boosting food items. Rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, and selenium – they make a perfect snack for kids who love munching after regular intervals.
Tip: For a healthy and balanced diet, it is best to eat them in their natural state. Else you can serve it in smoothies or snacks like poha, oats, idli, upma, dhokla, etc.
2. Citrus Fruits
Fruits like lemon, orange, melon, etc are high in vitamin C; a strong antioxidant that enhances the immune system. Superior in antiviral and antibacterial properties – this supernatural food item can be easily added in your child’s diet plan.
Tip. You can serve fresh citrus juice with a dash of mint leaves.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is yet another super food that should be included in your child’s diet plan. Parents usually do not give yogurt to their kids thinking it could cause cold and cough. However, the fact is that yogurt helps enhance resistance against infections. Rich in vitamin B12, this immune boosting food is capable of strengthening the gastrointestinal tract as well by promoting the growth of gut friendly bacteria.
Tip: Fresh fruits and nuts can be added to yogurt to make a smoothie and enhance the flavor.
  • Muskmelon

This super fruit is a great pick to stay refreshed and hydrated. Loaded with antioxidants like, beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid – muskmelon is also known as an immune-boosting food.
Tip: Muskmelon sorbet
  • Tulsi

Tulsi is one of the best medicinal herbs to treat various infections and allergies. The leaves have excellent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-boosting properties and are easily available in Indian households.
Tip: Wash a few leaves of Tulsi, crush it, and mix with honey. A spoon of tulsi juice every day can do wonders.
  • Turmeric

Packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, this natural antiseptic promotes immunity – be it any season.
Tip: You can serve turmeric milk with a dash of honey.
  • Eggs

A sufficient amount of protein intake is essential to enhance the immune response, and eggs do serve this purpose naturally. It contains nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E that the body needs for proper immune functioning.
The current environment is infectious and unhealthy. However, we have to deal with the situation and provide our kids with the best nutrition to keep them happy and healthy.
For more such diet tips get in touch with Kanupriya Khanna. One of the best pregnancy nutritionist and child dietician in Delhi – Kanupriya can give you a precise diet plan to help you stay healthy.
You can also visit the website for some healthy diet plans and food recipes for kids.

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