
How to Stay Active During Pregnancy

How to Stay Active During Pregnancy

It is important to stay active during pregnancy. By staying active you will be able to enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy. It will reduce stress and lower the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Here in this section, we give you simple tips on how to stay active and energetic during pregnancy, both mentally and physically.

How to stay mentally active:

Read Pregnancy Books

Books give a feeling of empowerment and allow you to make the birth of your child a very personal and soulful experience. They not only give useful information about pregnancy and childbirth but also drive away all your fears. Books make you more confident and positive.

• Play Indoor Board Games

pregnancy diet plan

You can play some indoor board games with your partner and other family members. These games will help you stay mentally active. Moreover, they will improve your mood, sleep and self-esteem – which is very needed during this time.

• Indulge in Art & Craft

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Try your hands in activities like gardening, knitting, stitching, photography, painting, sketching, etc. Art and craft will not only keep you active but will also grant you peace of mind. It will help you create a unique bonding experience with your inner self. Moreover, it will give you joy and happiness of creating something beautiful.

How to stay physically active:

• Exercise and Meditate

Exercise and meditation go a long way in a lot of aspects of life. It improves physical health, reduces stress, and increases your confidence. Moreover, when you exercise and meditate your body releases feel-good hormones – it makes you feel fresh and energized. Even a daily 20 min walk makes a huge difference.

So start your exercise regime and try some yoga-inspired meditation to relax your mind and body. This practice will also instill that energetic glow on your face.

Note: Make sure you are well-hydrated. Avoid any kind of workout that may risk injury or any kind of physical damage. The most important thing during pregnancy is to listen to your body. Some days you may feel energetic while other days you might just want to take some rest. Hence it is important to tailor your workouts to how you are feeling.

• Do Basic Household Chores

Cleaning and dusting the house is a good activity to stay fit and engaged during pregnancy. It will ensure you are moving around constantly. And what’s more? You will feel happier in a cleaner environment, wouldn’t you?

• Cook healthy and nutritious meals for you and your family

It is important to eat healthy at every stage of your life. However, eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is even more important! Good nutrition leads to healthy pregnancy and complication free delivery. Hence, make sure you nourish yourself by preparing some healthy recipes.

Cooking is a great way to stay engaged during pregnancy. Experts say it is one of the best ways to take care of your own health.

However, if you wish to know a good pregnancy diet plan, get in touch with Kanupriya Khanna. A recognized female fertility nutritionist & dietitian in Delhi – Kanupriya will not only provide you interesting diet tips but will also help you inculcate good eating habits during your pregnancy.

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