Blog Paediatric nutrition

Healthy Eating Habits in Children with type 1 Diabetes | Dr Kanupriya Khanna

What is type 1 diabetes?

In type 1 diabetes your pancreas does not produce insulin, a hormone necessary for your body to utilise glucose (sugar) as an energy source. This results in your blood sugar levels to rise and you need to take external insulin to bring the sugar levels within normal limit.

How do foods affect blood sugar?

Some foods immediately raise your child’s blood sugar levels. Other foods may indirectly impact levels. You can assist your child in maintaining appropriate blood sugar level by understanding how different foods influence it.

The following foods have a direct effect on blood sugar:


•Refined Grains such as pasta, rice, and bread

•Several dairy items, such as milk and yoghurt

•Starchy vegetables like Potatoes and maize

•Sweet treats like candies or cakes

Things to keep in mind!


•AVOID sugary beverages. There are numerous sparkling glasses of water on the market with little added sugar or carbs. Additionally, experiment with adding fresh fruit and herbs to your water to enhance flavour without adding extra sugar or calories. You should not use artificial sweeteners, sugar-free lemonades, or caffeinated drinks as your main source of hydration.

•Do not allow your youngster to miss meals since this may lead to overeating at the following meal. Even if they are attempting to reduce weight, they ought to merely scale back on portion sizes.

•Increasing daily fibre intake will improve overall blood sugar control and have several other health advantages.

•At every meal, choose a nutritious carbohydrate and attempt to combine it with protein. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, and millets are a few examples of healthy carbohydrates.

Guidelines for children with type 1 diabetes

•Carbs – Given that they are the body’s main source of energy, carbohydrates are crucial to a healthy diet for kids with Type 1 diabetes. To help maintain stable blood sugar levels, it’s crucial to choose carbs that are nutrient-dense and have a low glycemic index (GI).

•Protein – The majority of your body’s tissues and organs are built, repaired, and maintained by protein. Additionally required for the operation of the immune system, proteins also support a number of other physiological activities.

•Fats – They keep you active and aid in the body’s assimilation of specific vitamins and minerals. But it’s crucial to select healthy fats and pay attention to portion quantities.

•Fibre – It supports a sense of fullness, aids with digestion, and lowers blood sugar levels. Children with Type 1 diabetes can also maintain a healthy weight by incorporating healthy eating habits.

•Hydration – Maintaining appropriate hydration can keep the body operating normally, aid to control blood sugar levels, and prevent consequences from dehydration.


A meal plan that incorporates the ideal ratio of fibre and carbohydrates to fulfill your child’s needs can be made with the assistance of a trained dietitian. Connect with Kanupriya Khanna who has been working in this field since 2003. She is regarded as one of the best dietitians in Delhi because of her unwavering commitment to making a difference in people’s lives by instilling good eating habits and lifestyles.

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