Blog Nutrition during pregnancy

Diet Tips to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is extremely natural. This extra weight goes away naturally once you deliver the baby. All you need to do is practice a few healthy tips and understand the rhythm in which your body works.

If you are feeling anxious, or simply struggling to cope up with the post-pregnancy weight, have a read below. we have listed down some great tips to help you lose that extra pounds after delivery.

Weight gain during pregnancy is extremely natural. This extra weight goes away naturally once you deliver the baby. All you need to do is practice a few healthy tips and understand the rhythm in which your body works.

If you are feeling anxious, or simply struggling to cope up with the post-pregnancy weight, have a read below. we have listed down some great tips to help you lose that extra pounds after delivery.

• Set a Workout Plan

Learn some yoga, aerobics, Zumba, etc from the internet. Try doing it 2-3 times a week, depending on your strength. These activities will whip your body back into shape. However, make sure you seek your dietitian or doctor’s advice before you begin your workout plan.

• Drink Lots of Water/Fluids

Include water and various nutritious fluids in your healthy diet plan. It will help you stay hydrated and enable easy weight loss.

• Go for Fiber-Rich Food Items

Include lots of fiber rich foods in your diet plan. Fiber foods slow down digestion, reduce hunger hormone levels and help you stay full for a longer time. For example, a bowl of high-fiber oatmeal with berries on top is a great way to start the day.

• Bake, Broil, Grill, Roast, and Steam

Instead of frying foods, choose other healthy cooking techniques like baking, broiling, grilling, roasting, and steaming. These techniques require less or no oil. It will not only cut fats from your diet but will also reduce the risk of many other lifestyle disorders.

• Avoid Eating the Following Food Items

If you want to be honest with your weight-reduction plan, ensure you avoid eating the following food items.

➢ Avoid nut butter as dips

➢ Stay away from too much bread or maida

➢ Avoid ketchup or other sauces and dressings

➢ Don’t eat packaged foods (biscuits, cereals with sugar, namkeens, chips, etc.)

➢ Avoid junk and processed food items like pizza, burgers, chips, samosa, bhel, vada pav, mayonnaise, cakes, candies, etc.

➢ Likewise exclude aerated drinks, canned juices, ice-creams, etc from your post-delivery diet.

All these food items are generally low in nutrients and high in calories, sugar, preservatives, sodium, and added fats.

• Choose Healthy Substitutes

Include healthy substitutions in your diet plan. Healthy substitutions will not only reduce the amount of fat, calories, and salt in your recipes but will also improve your nutritional content.

➢ For example:

Instead of white pasta, choose multigrain or whole wheat pasta

➢ Amaranth or rajgira is another superfood to boost the immune system. It can be used instead of rice in various preparations.

➢ Consume low-fat milk, instead of whole milk

➢ Instead of sour cream use Greek yogurt

➢ Prepare frozen fruit sorbets with banana as a sweetener instead of consuming store-bought ice creams

➢ Use jaggery or honey instead of refined sugar as a sweetener

• Don’t Crash Diet

A low-calorie crash diet lacks important nutrients. It makes you feel worn-out and drained throughout the day. Instead, stick to a healthy diet plan It will help you stay fit and energetic all day long.

Keep in mind that you may not be able to return to your exact pre-pregnancy weight or shape immediately. Give yourself at least a six-eight-month time before you start watching your calorie intake actively.

The tips outlined above will significantly help you reduce weight post-pregnancy. It will boost your immunity and help you maintain an appropriate weight.

You can also seek guidance from a registered dietitian before making significant dietary changes to your post-delivery diet plan. A qualified fertility nutrition specialist/dietician like Kanupriya will not only guide you meal by meal, day by day but will also make your post-pregnancy time as pleasant and easygoing as possible.

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