Blog Paediatric nutrition

“family meals”

Family Meals Matter: 9 Ways to Gather Families Around the Dinner Table

Indian families have long held the tradition of “family meals”, times when the family sits and eats together. While it has always been said, “a family that eats together, stays together”, new research suggests that not only do together meals help bonding but they also help improve health and general well being of individuals.

While it may be difficult for families to have breakfast and lunch together, a common dinner time devoid of television and mobile distractions is a fun and healthy experience. It is fun when one child in the family decides two dishes to be made everyday, of course with the restriction of junk foods. It helps children be more open to trying new things and caters to different food likings.

The article here illustrates the above and more. Feel free to contact us at Kanupriya for any clarifications that you may have.…/family-meals-matter-9-ways-to-gather…/

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