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Bloating: causes and solutions!

Bloating: causes and solutions!

Gas is a natural process but excessive bloating signifies an underlying health issue that must be addressed.

What is intestinal gas?  

Intestinal gas, or an accumulation of air in the digestive tract, is typically not noticed until you burp or pass it rectally. As a natural byproduct of swallowing and digestion, intestinal gas can be found throughout the digestive tract, from the stomach to the rectum.

In fact, certain foods, such as beans, are not fully digested until they reach the large intestine (colon), where bacteria break them down. This in turn also produces gas.

What are the symptoms of excessive gas?

The following are signs or symptoms of gas:

•Passing gas


•In your abdomen, you may experience pain, cramping, or a knotted feeling.

•An abdominal feeling of fullness or pressure

•An increase in the size of your abdomen that can be seen

Foods that cause intestinal gas

• Beans – Beans are high in soluble fibre, which your gut bacteria ferment, resulting in increased gas production in the colon.

• Wheat – Wheat causes serious digestive problems in people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, including bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and stomach pain.

• Onions – Onions contain fructose, which is broken down in the intestine during digestion. Gas is formed as a result of the breakdown of the sugar.

• Garlic – Garlic is another food that people all over the world use in a variety of dishes, and it, too, can cause excess gas. In rare cases, bloating and gas can be caused by a garlic allergy or intolerance.

• Dairy products – If you are lactose intolerant, milk and milk products such as cheese, yoghurt, and ice cream can cause gas.

• Soda – A carbonated beverage is soda. People who drink soda consume an excessive amount of gas. As a result, they frequently belch to relieve the gas pressure in their stomach. However, in some cases, the air can become trapped and cause bloating in the stomach.

• Beer – Beer is a carbonated beverage made by fermenting various grains. Excess gas and bloating in the gut can result from both the fermented carbohydrates and the carbonation process.

• Fatty foods – Foods high in fat slow digestion. When the body has to work hard to digest food, as with fried foods, gas can become trapped in the gut.

• Grains – Whole grains like wheat are high in fibre, raffinose, and starch. Bacteria in the large intestine break down all of these, resulting in gas. Rice, in fact, is the only grain that does not cause gas.

• Broccoli, cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are high in raffinose and fibre. Both of these can cause more gas and bloating.

Foods to relieve gas

• Oats – Oats are high in fibre and beta-glucans, which are beneficial to digestion. A creamy serving of porridge or oats with greek yoghurt is the simplest way to get your oats in the morning.

• Berries – Berries with a high water content, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries (which are 85 to 95 percent water), can help reduce bloating. They are also high in fibre, which can help food move more quickly through the intestines and reduce abdominal pressure and bloating.

•Vitamin C rich foods like avocado – They’re high in fibre, which moves slowly through your digestive tract, promoting regularity and preventing constipation and bloating.

• Ginger – Ginger is thought to help move food through the GI tract faster while also protecting the gut. It may also help with bloating, cramps, and gas. If you have an upset stomach, try boiling some fresh ginger or adding a little ground ginger to some hot water.

• Fennel/saunf – Fennel seeds soothe stomach and intestine muscles and help relieve gassiness caused by constipation or acid reflux. They may also help relieve constipation by relaxing intestine muscles.

The main component that gives fennel seeds their beneficial effects is anethole.

• Chamomile and peppermint tea – they are beneficial for digestive issues that cause pain and bloating.

• Coriander seeds – Coriander seeds relieve gastrointestinal problems due to their carminative properties. They relieve intestinal gas, which causes severe pain.

• Cucumber – Cucumber is high in potassium, which helps to counteract the bloating effects of sodium. It aids in the elimination of excess sodium through the urine.

• Celery – Celery is an excellent source of gas-reducing nutrients. It contains a lot of water and is high in potassium, which helps control the water retention that causes bloating. It can also promote regular bowel movements and control constipation and diarrhoea.

• Kombucha – Kombucha contains live bacteria and organic acids, which are known to aid in digestion; the drink can also help to prevent excess gas and bloating.

If the problem still persists, connect with Kanupriya Khanna who has been working in this field since 2003. She is regarded as one of the best dietitians in Delhi because of her unwavering commitment to making a difference in people’s lives by instilling good eating habits and lifestyles.

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