
Diet for COVID Positive Pregnant Women

Diet for COVID Positive Pregnant Women

The second wave of COVID-19 has affected the nation more as compared to the first one. In India, the number of COVID positive pregnant women are comparatively higher in the second wave.

There have been many inconclusive discussions about the risk correlated with COVID 19 for pregnant women. In pregnancy, the immune system of the mother is compromised and this makes them more suspectable to COVID-19. Therefore, eating well for pregnant women during the pandemic is really crucial.


In this article, we will mention some diet tips you can follow if you are COVID positive. According to your month of pregnancy, follow the below-mentioned suggestions along with your prescribed diet.


Hydrate Yourself 

Water intake is important to keep your body hydrated. It also helps in flushing the toxins out. So make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.


You need to maintain optimum protein intake in your diet to fight COVID-19. It will ensure your body is strong enough to fight the infection.  Protein also helps in repairing wear and tear as well. Additionally, eating enough protein will also ensure that your baby’s growth is not affected.

  • Protein-rich foods

Dairy, pulses, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, poultry, and fish.


Zinc is a crucial micronutrient responsible for immune system functioning, DNA synthesis, wound healing and more. Its deficiency in your body can worsen the COVID situation for you and your baby. According to various studies, zinc is an important nutrient to fight the virus. Doctors all over the globe have also been using zinc as a vital vitamin during COVID.

  • Zinc-rich food

Legumes, nuts, eggs and whole grains

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin with anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a great antioxidant. Eating vitamin C rich foods can be really helpful in combating COVID-19.

  • Vitamin C rich foods

Citrus fruits, peppers, lemons, broccoli, etc.

Warm Liquids

Nasal congestion and sore throat are other symptoms of COVID-19. In case you are experiencing these, then drink warm liquids. Soups and herbal infusions can be really beneficial in this case.


Conclusion- Diet for COVID Positive Pregnant Women

  • Don’t Panic

If you are COVID positive, then don’t panic. Instead of panicking, focus on defeating this infection. Eat a COVID- relevant diet along with a positive mindset.

In case you want to seek professional advice furthermore, then contact Kanupriya Khanna. She is a Senior Consultant Nutritionist and Dietitian and titled as one of the best dietitians in Delhi. She holds over 17 years of experience in pregnancy nutrition. So, in case you have any questions related to your pregnancy nutrition, you can contact her.


Also read: All you need to know about breastfeeding techniques 

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