Blog Paediatric nutrition

Ways To Keep Toddlers Occupied Indoors

COVID 19 outbreak has kept all of us indoors. Along with elders, toddlers too are getting irritated for being locked inside their homes. Kids might find it difficult to understand what they see and hear.  As a result, they can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness. However, by engaging kids in different activities, you can help them cope up with the situation better.

COVID 19 outbreak has kept all of us indoors. Along with elders, toddlers too are getting irritated for being locked inside their homes. Kids might find it difficult to understand what they see and hear.  As a result, they can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness. However, by engaging kids in different activities, you can help them cope up with the situation better.

Have a read below to find ways to keep toddlers occupied indoors:-

Support Your Child’s Academic Learning


Amidst this virus outbreak, most schools have started moving towards the online mode of education. The schools are not only scheduling online lectures but are also assigning various home-based activities for different grades.

When your child has to attend the online class, ensure you lend support. As a parent help your child in setting up a study space to help him/her focus and study better. Gather essential supplies and study materials and make sure you turn away all the distractions like loud music, gadgets, mobile, etc. Before your toddler’s online class begins, sit down with him/her, and look through what he/she needs to do on a daily or weekly basis. And if working on your office laptop is inevitable, ensure you set up a designated time where you can assist your child with the regular homework/studies.

Engage Your Child in Some Artistic Activities


When going outside isn’t an option – getting creative is a great way to fill the hours. So consider setting up a creative space for your kid with all the required essentials. Engage him/her in doing something resourceful and fun like building blocks, painting, dancing, learning music, etc.  These activities will not only fill their idle time but will also help them grow artistically.

Involve Your Toddler in the Kitchen

We have all cribbed about the lack of quality time with our kids ! So why not make the most of these days? Believe it or not, we will miss this the most when it’s all over. So ensure you use this time wisely.

Set aside a time where you and your child can work together to create a meal. Enhance your child’s culinary skills and help him/her prepare some healthy diet meal plans. If you are afraid of fire accidents and are worried about your child’s safety, you can try recipes that need no fire cooking.

You can also get in touch with Kanupriya Khanna for some amazing no-fire recipes. A well-known child dietician in Delhi – Kanupriya will not only help you with some healthy kid-friendly recipes but will also help you and your children inculcate healthy eating habits to live a healthier and happier life.

You can also visit the website for some healthy diet plans and food recipes for kids.

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