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Categories Diet During Pregnancy



There are no foods or products that detox our bodies. The liver is the best detoxification organ in nature, followed by our kidneys, gut and lungs. Most products that claim to ‘detox’ are marketing gimmicks to increase sales or draw in the unsuspecting customer.

Eating a balanced healthy diet and keeping yourself well hydrated, physically active and mentally well is all that is needed.


A long standing myth about frozen foods is that they are devoid of nutrition. In fact, frozen foods compare very well with fresh produce in nutrient density. This is because fruits and vegetables that are normally frozen are picked at the peak of their ripeness, which also means that they are at their most nutrient dense. They may then be treated slightly like being blanched, peeled, chopped or cut before being frozen. The time between them being picked from farms and getting frozen is a few hours, and so they retain most of their nutrition.


Fat is an essential component of our diets and our health. Many vitamins cannot be absorbed by our bodies without fat, for e.g vitamins A, D and E. our brain needs fat to function as do many other organs and systems. What is important to remember though is that they type of fat you’re consuming can be unhealthy or unhealthy. So, opt for cold pressed oils over refined oils, avocado, nuts and seeds over fried foods, etc.

Processed low fat foods that you buy from the market may appear healthier and more attractive, but they likely contain too much added sugar, and are best avoided.


I do not believe in the very concept of a cheat meal. The moment we label something as ‘cheat’, we assign a value to it: either guilt or something that brings happiness once attained. Both these emotions when attached to certain foods are unhealthy.

One must feel free to eat their favourite foods whenever the urge hits (within reasonable boundaries). One does not need to wait for the weekend to eat their favourite pizza for e.g, but if the urge hits you thrice a week, then its unreasonable.

A good thing to also remember when eating such foods to watch your portion size. As long as you watch your frequency and quantity, and be reasonable, do indulge your urges.


Another common myth is that food made a day previous loses its nutritional value or can be harbouring harmful bacteria and thus should be discarded.

Normally most leftovers stay well upto 3-4 days if refrigerated properly. After that it may become unsafe to eat and could cause food poisoning. A good way to identify if the food is safe to eat is by smelling it or tasting it. if it smells and taste the same, it should be good. There will be certain amount of loss of nutrients, but not enough to warrant discarding that food.

Always remember that the only rule you need to follow is of eating a variety of foods from all food groups in moderation while indulging your cravings occasionally.

To know more or if you need further help, get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi
Categories Children Diet

6 Mistakes While Packing Lunchboxes For Children

With the summer vacations almost over and schools reopening, lunchboxes gain importance in every house with a school going child. All of us as parents want to see empty lunchboxes when our children come back from school. Planning and preparing them is a huge task every morning. Lunchboxes are very important in meeting a child’s nutritional needs as almost 30% of a child’s daily food intake, is in school.

Here are 6 things you should not do when it comes to packing a meal for your child’s school tiffin:


  1. Packing new or unfamiliar food:

The most important rule is to never pack something that your child has not eaten before. A child can feel hesitant and unsure when he/she encounters the food and can leave it untouched.

Anything new you want to try should be done at home in a comforting environment.

  1. Not putting fruits or vegetables:

This is especially true of parents of fussy eaters. In the hope that their child will eat, and not bring back food, you skip putting it in the lunchbox. But these are two reasons why adding fruits and vegetables is important:

  1. The lunchbox makes up a large chunk of your child’s nutritional needs of the day.
  2. Constant exposure to fruits and vegetables helps in encouraging them to eat these at some point.
  1. Keeping it the same:

You keep giving the same few foods to your child because you know that he/she likes it and will eat it. but, again just as previously mentioned, it is important to give a variety to encourage them to start eating a larger variety of foods.

  1. Not adding protein:

Proteins are an important component of a daily diet. They are after all called as the building blocks of the body for a reason. It may seem difficult to include this in a lunchbox, especially if you are a vegan. But its not really at all. Add some nut butter, tofu, seed butter in a preparation; and lo and behold, protein is now added.

  1. Giving too much carbohydrate:

The easiest thing to give in a lunchbox id a crbohydrate meal. Simply because these are the things that most children will eat happily. For e.g: white bread sandwich, pasta, chips, biscuits, etc. But remember that these do not provide enough nutrition, can contain too much sugar, and will leave your child feeling hungry very soon.

  1. Packing too much:

An important thing to remember when packing a lunchbox is the amount of time a child gets during recess to eat the food. If you pack too much food, there is a strong likelihood of it coming back uneaten or half eaten, simply because there was not enough time to finish. Sometimes seeing too much food can be scary to a young child and he/she can get overwhelmed.

I hope the above helps you in packing a good lunchbox for your child. If you need some recipe ideas for the lunchboxes, check out my website under the blog section.

To know more or if you need further help with recipe suggestions, etc., get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

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