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Natural Probiotics For Children
Categories Everything

The Best Natural Probiotics For Children

Probiotics are living microorganisms that when ingested have beneficial effects, especially on our gut flora. the added benefit of including these in your child’s diet is that they are also good sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Probiotics are normally found in any fermented foods. Usually we need to add certain bacterial cultures to ferment these foods, and these bacterial cultures are beneficial. Remember that these bacteria are sensitive to heat. therefore if you heat any of the following foods, you will lose the probiotic effect of them.

Sources of natural probiotics:

  1. Yogurt: always try to make yogurt at home. The cultures that are used for setting yogurt commercially, generally are different and do not provide any probiotic benefits. You can add yogurt to your child’s smoothies, use as a dip, make popsicles, etc. Remember that frozen yogurt does not have any probiotic effect.

Other good probiotics made from dairy include sour cream, buttermilk, aged or mature cheese.

  1. Tempeh: made from fermented soybeans, it has gained a lot of popularity recently. Some people and children have difficulty in developing a taste for it, but you can make it flavoursome by doing the following: Steam the blocks after chopping it in chunks. You can then marinate them in your own special mix and grill them, or add them in pasta sauce, peas, pulao, casseroles, etc.
  2. Miso: wildly used in Japan in many dishes, it is now finding use in other parts of the world. Use it to add a umami flavour to your soups, curries, dips, etc.
  3. Kefir: it is a fermented drink made from milk. A combination of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts is used for making kefir. There are many flavoured kefir drinks that are now available, but as they contain added sugar, it is better to make it at home or stick to the plain variety. you can easily find the starter culture online to make it yourself at home.
  4. Sauerkraut, kimchi: made from cabbage and some other vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, etc, they can be used in many ways:
    • add to sandwiches, salads, etc.
    • the juice from this can be added to soups and salad dressings
    • add to fruit cups for added sourness and crunch

To know more or if you need further help get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.

Nutritionist in Delhi
Categories Everything

7 Foods Toddlers Should Not Eat

According to the Oxford dictionary, a toddler is defined as a young child who is just beginning to walk. babies who are 12-36 months old fall in this category. As a guideline, children in this age usually should be given 3 meals, 2-3 snacks and adequate amounts of water.

There are certain foods that should not be given to toddlers too. In this blog we will look at 7 such foods:

  1. Foods high in salt

Too much sodium is harmful for babies’ kidneys. But it is important to remember that sodium is not just present in salt, but there are many hidden sources of unnecessary sodium that you should keep in mind. Some of them are:

  • bacon
  • chips
  • packaged meals
  • pickles and chutneys
  • crackers
  • baked goods
  • processed meats like sausages
  1. Frozen ready to eat foods

More often than not, frozen foods contain high amounts of sodium. So even though they are easy and convenient, remember that they are not healthy for your toddlers and should be avoided.

  1. Sugar

Sugar in a toddlers diet is completely unnecessary. It does not provide any nutrition and is a leading cause of tooth decay, obesity and other lifestyle disorders. You must also keep in mind hidden sources of sugar like:

  • readymade sauces and dressings
  • curry pastes
  • packaged foods
  • jams and preserves
  • baked goods
  • flavoured yogurts
  • juices
  1. Whole nuts and peanuts

Young children should not be given whole nuts and peanuts simply because they pose a choking hazard. You can give these in powder form, crushed or butter form from 6 months onwards. in case of any family history of an allergy from nuts and peanuts, please consult your physician or dietitian before introducing these.

  1. Raw or lightly cooked eggs

Well cooked eggs can be given to babies from 6 months onwards. make sure that both the white and the yolk are cooked enough so they become solid. Uncooked or runny eggs are the major cause of food borne illness due to Salmonella. Eggs are also a common allergy causing foods so introduce in small quantities and watch out for any allergy type symptom.

  1. Some types of cheeses

Cheese can be introduced at 6 months as they are a good source of protein, calcium and vitamins. But there are a few precautions you need to take:

  • the cheese should be pasteurised full fat cheese like mild cheddar, cottage cheese, cream cheese
  • soft cheeses that use a mould for ageing like brie, camembert, etc should be avoided
  • ripened goat’s milk chases and blue-veined cheeses that are not pasteurised should also be avoided as they may contain listeria, a type of pathogen. eg. Roquefort
  1. Raw shellfish, high mercury fish

Raw shellfish like oysters, clams, mussels, can cause food poisoning and so should be avoided. Fish like marlin, swordfish and shark can sometimes have high mercury content that can interfere with a baby’s nervous system development, thus should be avoided.

To know more or if you need further help get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.

Dietician for Children
Categories Children Diet

4 Simple Steps To Handle Kids Sugar Obsession

One of the most common dilemma that all parents face today is how to tackle the sugar consumption of their children. The point is not just about the consumption of desserts, cookies, etc., but one also needs to take into account all those foods that have hidden sugar in them; for eg.: sauces, take outs, salad dressings, low fat alternatives that otherwise might seem healthy, etc. With both parents working and children living in nuclear families, this gets even more difficult as convenience sometimes takes over the priority. After a busy day at work, we do not want to deal with temper tantrums or opposition to a meal.

Here are 4 steps that can be the start of your journey towards dealing with your child’s sugar fixation:

1. Serve the dessert with a meal

There’s nothing that works better than surprising your children with a dessert when they least expect it. As a family, you may have decided that your children are allowed a dessert twice a week on say Wednesday and Saturday. Try giving them on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and catch them off guard. They will be delighted and slowly over time the negative relationship with these foods will start improving.

Better still, serve them with a meal rather than after a meal. Over time you will see that they start eating more vegetables without any extra effort. It’s all about building a positive relationship with different types of foods.

2. Increase fluid intake

Sometimes the reason for your child craving sugary foods can be due to inadequate fluid intake and certain deficiencies like magnesium, calcium, iron, etc. Taking care and correcting the above can also help.

3. Change your language

From a young age our children hear us talking a certain language hen it comes to fruit and vegetables, and sugar. We brand the former as healthy and the latter as unhealthy. It’s time to change our language about these. Start talking more neutral, and focus more on the properties of the foods. The second thing to do is to stop offering them as rewards and associating special importance to them. Make them equivalent to fruits and vegetables and while talking your tone should be neutral. Do not react if they want second helpings or want to eat a dessert out of turn. This will ensure that over time these foods will lose the importance and become less special.

4. Swap healthy and natural sugars for refined sugars

It has become easier to source desserts, cookies, etc. with natural sugars like coconut sugar, dates, etc. nowadays. Look out for brands that make these and order from them. One such brand is KARAMELE that is based in New Delhi. You can also try experimenting in the kitchen yourself with these, the internet is full of tutorials and recipes.

I hope the above helps you. To know more or if you need further help get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.

dietitian in delhi
Categories Dietician

Childhood Food Allergies: Review Of The Top 6 Food Allergens

A food allergy is a reaction to the body’s immune system in response to the ingestion of certain foods. The body’s immune system mistakenly recognises the proteins in these foods as harmful for the body. It then launches a series of reactions, or releases certain chemicals; these in turn can lead to various symptoms. A food intolerance does not involve the immune system and thus is never life threatening.

An allergic reaction can be caused even if one ingests very small amounts of the allergen containing food.  The severity of the symptoms depends on the type of allergy. The time taken for the allergic reaction to show up or be identifiable can also vary from a few seconds to a few days.

Some symptoms include:

  • diarrhoea
  • hives
  • vomitting
  • itchy or non-itchy rash
  • eczema
  • difficulty in breathing
  • swelling of the tongue, mouth or face
  • sudden drop in blood pressure
  • anaphylaxis

The top 6 most common food allergies in children include:


It affects almost 2-3% of babies and young children and is one of the most common food allergies. Fortunately studies show that most children will outgrow this type of food allergy as they grow older. If your child is diagnosed with CMPA, then you must avoid the following:

  • milk
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • cottage cheese
  • butter
  • clarified butter or ghee
  • cream
  • any products made from these

If you are breast feeding mother, you will need to exclude the above from your diet as well until you continue to nurse your baby.

Now a days many formula milk are present that are safe for babies with CMPA. Check with our paediatrician or dietitian for the right formula for your baby.

2). SOY

Soy allergy is most common in children below the age of 3 years. it is most likely that 70% of children with soy allergy will outgrow it as they get older. If your child continues to be allergic to soy, it is important to avoid not juts the apparent foods of soy like, tofu, milk, tempeh, soybean, etc; but also foods like soy sauce, Thai curry paste, etc. Soy is added to many foods and therefore it is important that you read the labels of all packaged foods that you buy.

3). EGG

It is amongst the top three food allergies in children. But almost 65-70% of children will outgrow their egg allergy by the time they are 16 years old. What is interesting is that your child may not be allergic to both egg whites and yolk necessarily, and maybe allergic to either one out of the two. This is due to the fact that the type of proteins present in egg white and yolk are  different.

Avoiding eggs and foods that contain these is the easiest way to avoid an allergic reaction. But sometimes if you know the exact recipe of a food and it does not contain the allergy causing part of egg, then that food may be safe for your child to consume.


Even though peanut is called a nut, it is actually not a nut at all, but a legume. A peanut allergy is again very common and can cause a severe fatal allergic reaction. it is common to find that if a child has peanut allergy, he/she may also have other tree nuts allergies.

The current recommendation is that introducing peanuts early on to a child may be beneficial and provide protection against developing an allergy to it later on. This can be done by introducing it via the mother’s diet while breastfeeding.

Some children outgrow a peanut allergy while others do not.


Shellfish are a group of sea animals like:

  • shrimp
  • prawns
  • crayfish
  • lobster
  • crab
  • squid
  • scallops

Sometimes an allergy to shellfish can be so severe, that even if a child smells the vapours of the shellfish being cooked, it may set off a reaction. Thus, parents of such children are usually advised to always carry an Epinephrine injector pen.


Tree nuts are nuts that grow on trees. Examples include:

  • brazil nuts
  • walnuts
  • almonds
  • pine nuts
  • pistachios
  • cashew nuts
  • macadamia nut

Children with an allergy to any of these should avoid these, but also products made from these, like nut butters, oils, nut milks, nut powders, etc. It is quite possible that if your child has a tree nut allergy, it may remain for life and your child may not outgrow it.

At present, medicine does not have a cure for food allergies. Therefore it is important to be vigilant and take caution while eating out or buying packaged foods. Now a days there are very sophisticated tests available to check for various food allergies. Talk to your doctor or dietitian for recommendation.

KARAMELE is a brand that is based in New Delhi. They specialise in customising foods according to your food allergies and intolerances and are worth checking out.

I hope the above helps you. To know more or if you need further help get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.

Dietitian for healthy hair
Categories Everything

Foods To Control Hairfall

Hair play a vital role in shaping our looks and personality. Many people with thinning hair or baldness, battle low self esteem and confidence. Thus, hair health is an important part of our overall well being.

There are many factors that affect hair health. Some of them are:

  • seasonal changes
  • foods we eat
  • presence of deficiencies
  • physical activity
  • genetics

Let us look at some of the most important foods that are responsible for improving hair growth and minimising un-natural hair fall:

  1. EGGS

The two most important nutrients for hair are protein and biotin, which are abundant in eggs. Biotin is a compound that is essential for the formation of keratin, the main protein found in hair. Eggs also contain a good amount of selenium and zinc, which play an important role in healthy hair.


Berries are a powerhouse of vitamin C. This performs three very important roles in hair health:

  • it is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the hair follicles against damage from free radicals.
  • it is responsible for the production of collagen, a type of protein that makes the hair strong and prevents breakage.
  • it also helps in iron absorption in the body. Iron is also an important mineral for hair growth and health.

Leafy greens include dark green vegetables like spinach, rocket, collard greens, amaranth leaves, fenugreek, etc. As a group these are high in iron, vitamins A and C, and folate. All of this are important for the growth of our hair and prevent excessive hair fall.


Many nuts and seeds are powerhouses of Vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, selenium and zinc, along with other micro nutrients. Some examples include: almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. All of them provide a form of protection to our hair and improve the growth.


Fish like mackerel, salmon, herring, etc are known as fatty fish and they are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, selenium and protein. Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency can lead to excessive hair loss and therefore eating some amount of fatty fish in your diet is important. For vegetarians or vegans, they can get the same benefit from certain nuts and seeds like mentioned above.


Avocados are a great source of vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant and prevents free radical damage. Thus it plays an important role in controlling hair fall by making the hair follicles stronger.

Remember, that the foods you eat play a major role in the health of your hair. A deficiency or inadequate intake of many vitamins and minerals can lead to excessive hair fall or affect hair growth.

To know more or if you need further help get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.

Diet & Lifestyle Tips
Categories best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi

Diet & Lifestyle Tips To Reverse Fatty Liver

The liver is one of the main organs of our body. It carries out very important functions like:

  • Protein synthesis
  • Detoxification
  • Storage of glycogen, vitamins and minerals needed for various functions in the body
  • Bile production and secretion that plays a major role in cholesterol metabolism

Fatty liver is also known as hepatic steatosis. In this condition excessive fat gets deposited in the liver which affects its function. A number of reasons can lead to this: excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, bad dietary and lifestyle habits.

It is important to treat any kind of liver disease, otherwise it can lead to life threatening consequences. A few simple changes can ensure that your liver gets back to its best health.

1. Give up alcohol

Each time you drink alcohol and it enters the liver, some of the cells die. Prolonged alcohol intake in high quantities can damamge the ability of the liver to regenerate and repair itself.

This ultimately leads to permanent liver damage.

2. Include healthy fats

Healthy fats from oily fish, avocados, olive oil are all rich in omega 3s. these fats reduce the amount of fat deposits in the liver, boost your HDL or good cholesterol levels and decrease your triglyceride levels. All of these combined, help your liver heal.

3. Include antioxidant rich foods

Antioxidant rich foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, blue and purple coloured fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Antioxidants reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress while improvin insulin resistance. Research has shown that people with liver disease who eat antioxidant rich foods daily have better liver markers over time than those who don’t.

4. Foods to be avoided

When suffering from fatty liver disease, one must avid the following:

  • Sugar: this increases the blood sugar levels which in turn increases the fatty build up in the liver.
  • Fried foods: these are high in fat and calories
  • Added salt: this is true especially for people with hypertension. Too much salt can make fatty liver worse.
  • Refined flours: they lack fibre and have a high glycemic index thereby can worsen fatty liver
  • Red meat: these are high in saturated fats and thus detrimental for liver health

5. Exercise

Getting physically active along with dietary changes will help in losing weight, lowering your lipids and better blood sugar levels. All of these together will help in healing your liver.

6. Manage insulin resistance or diabetes and lower your cholesterol

Uncontrolled diabetes and high triglyceride levels, increase the fat deposits in the liver which worsens an already troubled organ. activity along with dietary changes will help manage diabetes thereby in healing the liver.

To know more or if you need further help, get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

healthy diet
Categories Diet During Pregnancy



There are no foods or products that detox our bodies. The liver is the best detoxification organ in nature, followed by our kidneys, gut and lungs. Most products that claim to ‘detox’ are marketing gimmicks to increase sales or draw in the unsuspecting customer.

Eating a balanced healthy diet and keeping yourself well hydrated, physically active and mentally well is all that is needed.


A long standing myth about frozen foods is that they are devoid of nutrition. In fact, frozen foods compare very well with fresh produce in nutrient density. This is because fruits and vegetables that are normally frozen are picked at the peak of their ripeness, which also means that they are at their most nutrient dense. They may then be treated slightly like being blanched, peeled, chopped or cut before being frozen. The time between them being picked from farms and getting frozen is a few hours, and so they retain most of their nutrition.


Fat is an essential component of our diets and our health. Many vitamins cannot be absorbed by our bodies without fat, for e.g vitamins A, D and E. our brain needs fat to function as do many other organs and systems. What is important to remember though is that they type of fat you’re consuming can be unhealthy or unhealthy. So, opt for cold pressed oils over refined oils, avocado, nuts and seeds over fried foods, etc.

Processed low fat foods that you buy from the market may appear healthier and more attractive, but they likely contain too much added sugar, and are best avoided.


I do not believe in the very concept of a cheat meal. The moment we label something as ‘cheat’, we assign a value to it: either guilt or something that brings happiness once attained. Both these emotions when attached to certain foods are unhealthy.

One must feel free to eat their favourite foods whenever the urge hits (within reasonable boundaries). One does not need to wait for the weekend to eat their favourite pizza for e.g, but if the urge hits you thrice a week, then its unreasonable.

A good thing to also remember when eating such foods to watch your portion size. As long as you watch your frequency and quantity, and be reasonable, do indulge your urges.


Another common myth is that food made a day previous loses its nutritional value or can be harbouring harmful bacteria and thus should be discarded.

Normally most leftovers stay well upto 3-4 days if refrigerated properly. After that it may become unsafe to eat and could cause food poisoning. A good way to identify if the food is safe to eat is by smelling it or tasting it. if it smells and taste the same, it should be good. There will be certain amount of loss of nutrients, but not enough to warrant discarding that food.

Always remember that the only rule you need to follow is of eating a variety of foods from all food groups in moderation while indulging your cravings occasionally.

To know more or if you need further help, get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

Child Nutritionist and Dietician in Delhi
Categories Children Diet

How Healthy Are ‘Health Powders’ We Add To Our Children’S Milk?

All food that we eat, whether fresh or processed, contains sugar in one form or the other. It could be natural sugar that is present in fruits and vegetables, or processed sugars that are added to processed or packaged foods.

According to pediatricians, endocrinologists and nutritionists; children get enough sugar from the natural foods that they eat, i.e from grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, etc. Feeding our children processed foods like health powders, that contain processed sugars, puts an additional burden on their systems. Not just that, these so-called fortified foods when fed to children at a young age, makes them crave sugar throughout their lives in varying quantities.

The marketing campaigns that surround these powders are so glamorous and inviting, but more importantly, to the innocent eye they can lead to one or more of the following emotions or concerns:

  1. if these powders are not given to children, their growth will be hampered
  2. if the child is lagging behind in their growth, giving these powders will help them catch up faster
  3. these powders will ensure that the child is free from various nutritional deficiencies
  4. vegetarian or vegan parents feel these powders are necessary to meet the protein needs of their children
  5. enhancing the taste of the milk by adding these powders will encourage the child to drink milk easily

There are a number of reasons why these so called ‘health powders’ are not healthy and should not be given to children:

  1. the amount of added sugar they contain
  2. they may contain addedflavours
  3. some might food colours that can be detrimental to health, especially if your child is prone to allergies
  4. they are fortified with multiple minerals and vitamins: some of these should not be consumed together simply because they interfere with each other’s absorption. For e.g the same enzyme is responsible for the absorption of Iron, calcium and zinc. So if these are taken together, the amount that will be absorbed of each mineral will be minimal or negligible
  5. they lead to a huge spike in insulin levels
  6. They lack fibre

Increased consumption of these ‘health powders’, coupled with more sedentary lifestyles of the children today, increases their chances of become overweight and having other lifestyle diseases in later life.

With India soon heading towards becoming the diabetic capital of the world, it becomes important for us as a population to arrest the problem at our end, sooner rather than later.

We as consumers need to become aware and smart today. Get into the habit of reading the list of ingredients and nutritional labels that are mandatory on every packaged food that you buy. Look at not just the calories or sugar content of the product, but also at the carbohydrate content, sodium content, etc.

Our children are our future, and we want them to be healthy and happy individuals that will be at the forefront of a healthy and happy nation.

To know more or if you need further help with your child’s nutritional needs or concerns, get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi
Categories Children Diet

6 Mistakes While Packing Lunchboxes For Children

With the summer vacations almost over and schools reopening, lunchboxes gain importance in every house with a school going child. All of us as parents want to see empty lunchboxes when our children come back from school. Planning and preparing them is a huge task every morning. Lunchboxes are very important in meeting a child’s nutritional needs as almost 30% of a child’s daily food intake, is in school.

Here are 6 things you should not do when it comes to packing a meal for your child’s school tiffin:


  1. Packing new or unfamiliar food:

The most important rule is to never pack something that your child has not eaten before. A child can feel hesitant and unsure when he/she encounters the food and can leave it untouched.

Anything new you want to try should be done at home in a comforting environment.

  1. Not putting fruits or vegetables:

This is especially true of parents of fussy eaters. In the hope that their child will eat, and not bring back food, you skip putting it in the lunchbox. But these are two reasons why adding fruits and vegetables is important:

  1. The lunchbox makes up a large chunk of your child’s nutritional needs of the day.
  2. Constant exposure to fruits and vegetables helps in encouraging them to eat these at some point.
  1. Keeping it the same:

You keep giving the same few foods to your child because you know that he/she likes it and will eat it. but, again just as previously mentioned, it is important to give a variety to encourage them to start eating a larger variety of foods.

  1. Not adding protein:

Proteins are an important component of a daily diet. They are after all called as the building blocks of the body for a reason. It may seem difficult to include this in a lunchbox, especially if you are a vegan. But its not really at all. Add some nut butter, tofu, seed butter in a preparation; and lo and behold, protein is now added.

  1. Giving too much carbohydrate:

The easiest thing to give in a lunchbox id a crbohydrate meal. Simply because these are the things that most children will eat happily. For e.g: white bread sandwich, pasta, chips, biscuits, etc. But remember that these do not provide enough nutrition, can contain too much sugar, and will leave your child feeling hungry very soon.

  1. Packing too much:

An important thing to remember when packing a lunchbox is the amount of time a child gets during recess to eat the food. If you pack too much food, there is a strong likelihood of it coming back uneaten or half eaten, simply because there was not enough time to finish. Sometimes seeing too much food can be scary to a young child and he/she can get overwhelmed.

I hope the above helps you in packing a good lunchbox for your child. If you need some recipe ideas for the lunchboxes, check out my website www.kanupriyakhanna.in under the blog section.

To know more or if you need further help with recipe suggestions, etc., get in touch with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitians and Nutritionists in Delhi.

reducing stress and anxiety
Categories Dietician

Eat these foods to reduce stress and anxiety

Are you one of those people that overthinks and wants everything to be structured and well planned? Do you make lists of things to do, etc.? It is quite possible that you are prone to becoming anxious and stressful easily. Nutritional Psychiatry is a branch of nutrition that looks at how certain foods can help to improve your mood by reducing stress and anxiety. Small changes daily can slowly but steadily help in creating lasting mental fitness. Let’s look at some of these foods that you should start incorporating in your diet:

  1. Mushrooms:these are rich sources of B vitamins that aid in reducing inflammation as well as anxiety. You can buy any type of mushrooms that are easily available, like: button, portobello, oyster, cremini, etc. Some of them are quite inexpensive too.
  1. Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, cod, tuna, sardines all fall under this category. These are all excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.. Some studies have shown that omega 3’s reduce symptoms of anxiety by reducing the inflammation in the brain. They also help in improving the quality of your sleep.
  1. Nuts & seeds: For vegetarians or vegans, flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts are all good sources of omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing stress and anxiety. 
  1. Fermented foods: foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, miso and apple cider vinegar help in the growth and nourishment of your healthy gut bacteria. These bacteria in turn are responsible for producing uotp 90% of your serotonin (the happy hormone), thereby suppressing the stress response and reducing anxiety. 
  1. Bananas: this fruit is an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is needed in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine. It is also a good source of tryptophan, again which is needed for serotonin production. Magnesium, a mineral that is essential for brain function and has a role to play in good quality sleep, is also found in plenty in bananas.
  1. Physical activity: being physically active is very important for your hormone andbrain health. It keeps you energized and aids in better sleep. Going outdoors and being in nature has its own charm of uplifting your mood. 
  1. Meditation and Pranayam: Since ages, our gurus and elders have emphasized the importance of meditation and Pranayam. Now the scientific community has also started acknowledging the benefits of these not just for our physical well-being, but also for our mental health. Any type of meditation that you do is beneficial, so start dedicating a few minutes of your day towards these. 
  1. Chamomile tea: it contains an antioxidant Apigenin that binds to certain receptors in our brains and helps in decreasing anxiety. This same antioxidant also has the ability in initiating sleep. That is why it is recommended that one drinks this before bedtime.

Always remember to read the ingredient list on any products that you buy and consult your physician or nutritionist before taking any supplements. In case  you need any further help with a “GOOD MOOD FOOD DIET PLAN” connect with me, Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best dietitians and nutritionists in Delhi.

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